Data Manipulation
Detailing the markups used to access and manipulate data resources.
Once data sources and records are defined, the data associated with them
can be manipulated using a further set of markups.
The <FOREACH> markup is similar to an SQL SELECT query (it isn't
called <SELECT>, as there is already a standard HTML markup called that).
It reads multiple
records from a data source, and can do something for each record. The options
available to it mostly correlate to normal SELECT parameters. These
- RECORD (required)
- This defines what record to use to store each row of data while processing
it. If a record does not contain all the fields from the views/tables being
queried, then those fields are ignored. Likewise, queried fields need to have
names matching the record variables to be stored in the correct record field.
- VIEW (required)
- This defines what view (or views) to retrieve the data from. If more than
one view is specified (comma-separated), then a relation/join between
the views should be defined in the WHERE or JOIN options.
Views can also be aliased to another name for use elsewhere in the query,
using the syntax "viewname as viewalias".
- FIELDS (optional)
- This optional parameter lists (comma-separated) what fields to retrieve
from the view(s), to store in the record. If this is undefined, then all
matching field names will be copied. Fields with different names between
the view and record can be renamed using the syntax "viewfield as recordfield".
This syntax can also be used to include SQL function calls on the queried
columns, storing the result in the right record field.
- WHERE (optional)
- This contains an optional condition to filter the data. Although this
can also contain a condition for joining multiple views, that is preferred
to be defined in the JOIN parameter.
- JOIN (recommended for multiple views)
- This is similar to WHERE, but should specifically contain the conditions
defining the relationship between multiple views. This is useful, because for
some advanced forms of <FOREACH>, it is necessary to treat the
row filter separately to the view relationships. (See examples later on for
more information.)
- MATCH (optional)
- This is an alternate condition-matching method. When one or more fields are
listed (comma-delimited) in the MATCH parameter, the query only matches
those rows whose values of these fields exactly match the values already
stored in the target record.
- SORT (optional)
- Defines what field(s) to sort the queried rows by.
- LIMIT (optional)
- Similar to some SQL databases, this parameter allows the number of iterations
to be limited to a certain number. (Currently only implemented
for DBs which natively support the LIMIT SQL Select parameter.)
- GROUP (optional)
- Group rows together by a field name with the same values across rows. Used in
SQL Queries for use with group-related field functions.
In addition to the <FOREACH> parameters, there are a number of custom
markups which may be used within a Foreach block:
- Any content within this markup is only shown before the main list of
content. If there is no content (ie; no rows matching), then this is not shown
at all.
- Any content within this markup is only shown after the main list of
content. If there is no content (ie; no rows matching), then this is not shown
at all.
- <NOLIST> (Currently not implemented!)
- Any content within this markup is only shown if there is no
content (ie; no rows matching).
ie; To show a listing of multiple records, any HTML within a <PRELIST> comes
before the list, and any HTML within a <POSTLIST> comes after the list, but
only if that query returns at least one matching row. If there are no matches
at all, then the HTML within the <NOLIST> will be shown.
Here's some examples of Foreach queries:
- Selecting all fields from View "people" into Record "person", ordered by field
"surname", displaying the "firstname" and "surname" in a list:
<FOREACH RECORD="person" VIEW="people" SORT="surname">
$person.firstname $person.surname<BR>
- Selecting fields "firstname" and "surname" into Record "person" from View "people",
where the field "surname" matches the value already stored in the record:
<FOREACH RECORD="person" VIEW="people" MATCH="surname">
$person.firstname $person.surname<BR>
- Selecting all fields from View "people" into Record "person", ordered by field
"surname", displaying the "firstname" and "surname" in a table, with 2 columns
and appropriate headers, if there are matches:
<FOREACH RECORD="person" VIEW="people" SORT="surname">
<TR> <TH>First Name</TH> <TH>Surname</TH> </TR>
<TR> <TH>$person.firstname</TH> <TH>$person.surname</TH> </TR>
- Selecting fields "firstname" and "surname" into Record "person" from Views
"people" and "status" where field "current" in "status" equals "Y". The two views
both contain a field "ID" and are joined on this field. The matching names are
sorted by "surname", and listed in a bulleted list:
<FOREACH RECORD="person" VIEW="people,status"
FIELDS="firstname,surname" SORT="surname"
WHERE="status.current='Y'" JOIN="people.ID=status.ID">
<LI>$person.firstname $person.surname</LI>
The <IMPORT> markup is used to import data from a data source (specified
by a View) or from another record. It is similar in many ways to the <FOREACH>
markup, since it supports most of the same arguments. The primary differences are:
- IMPORT only reads one set of data into a specified record (rather than looping
through multiple rows).
- IMPORT can also copy values from another record.
- IMPORT can retrieve data from special records and views, such as CGI.
Compared to <FOREACH>, <IMPORT> supports the following
equivalent properties: RECORD, VIEW, FIELDS, WHERE, JOIN, MATCH, SORT.
The <IMPORT> markup also supports the following specific properties:
- The name of the record to Import from. Used when copying multiple values from one
record to another, as opposed to importing from another type of data source.
Here's some examples of Import queries:
- Import all matching fields into Record "formdata" from the special view "CGI"
(ie; populate "formdata" with data submitted as a CGI):
- Only import the fields "date", "title", and "notes" into Record "formdata" from
the special view "CGI":
<IMPORT RECORD="formdata" FIELDS="date,title,notes" VIEW="CGI">
- Import all matching fields into Record "formdata" from
the record "olddata":
<IMPORT RECORD="formdata" FROMRECORD="olddata">
The <EXPORT> markup is used to export data from a Record, to a View (typically
an SQL Table). It functionally fills the role of the SQL UPDATE and INSERT commands,
determining which to use via the presence or absence of a condition-style parameter.
ie; if a MATCH or WHERE parameter is specified (similar syntax as in <FOREACH>),
then it updates existing matching records, otherwise it inserts a new record.
it inserts a new record.
An optional FIELDS parameter can be set to export a selection of
fields. If not set, the default behaviour is to export all fields that exist
in both the record and the view.
If a condition (MATCH/WHERE) is specified, but the update fails, then an error
message will be generated. If the desired behaviour is such that if no existing
record is found, a new record is inserted, then the additional property ONERROR
can be set to "insert". Warning: This behaviour is largely
untested, and may change in the future!
Here's some examples of Export queries:
- Export all fields from the Record "formdata" as a new row in View "data":
<EXPORT RECORD="formdata" VIEW="data">
- Export fields "firstname" and "surname" from the Record "formdata" to
the View "people", where the field "ID" matches the current value in
the record "ID" field:
<EXPORT RECORD="formdata" VIEW="people" MATCH="ID">
The <DELETE> markup is used to delete data from a View.
It uses fields from an optionally specified RECORD in conjunction with
a MATCH or WHERE condition, to specify which rows of data
in a View to delete. Is the RECORD really Optional?
Here's some examples of Delete statements:
- Delete from View "data" all rows whose fields "group" and "section" match
those stored in a Record "org":
<DELETE WHERE="group='$' and section='$'">
- The same example, but using a defined RECORD and MATCH:
<DELETE RECORD="org" MATCH="group,section">
The <ASSIGN> markup is another way of getting information into
Record Fields, but does it one Field at a time; it's a way of assigning a
value to a single field. Parameters include:
- RECORD (optional)
- This defines which record the field is in to assign the value to. If this is
not specified, the default Record is assumed. A record can also
be specified in the FIELD parameter.
- FIELD (required)
- This defines which field is to be updated to the new value. If the RECORD
parameter is not used, a record can still be specified as part of the Field
specifier, using the notation: record.field
- VALUE (required if EVAL is not specified)
- This specifies the content of the value to assign to the field.
- EVAL (required if VALUE is not specified)
- This specifies an SQL expression to evaluate, with the resulting value being
saved as the value to assign to the field. This currently requires
a SOURCE to be specified, as that source is used to evaluate the
expression. As such, built-in functions of the source can be leveraged for
complex calculations.
- SOURCE (required if EVAL is used)
- The SQL source to use to evaluate an expression.
Here's some examples of Assign statements:
- Assign to the field "count" the value of "0", in the default Record:
<ASSIGN FIELD="count" VALUE="0">
- Assign to the field "count" the result of evaluating the expression "6*8", in the Record "track",
using the Source "data":
<ASSIGN RECORD="track" FIELD="count" SOURCE="data" EVAL="6*8">
- Increment the value of the field "count" by 1, in the Record "track",
using the Source "data":
<ASSIGN FIELD="track.count" SOURCE="data" EVAL="$track.count.value+1">
($track.count.value means insert the "value" of field "count" from record "track")
The <CLEAR> markup is used to clear the values of one or more fields
in a record. Parameters include:
- RECORD (required)
- This defines which record contains the fields to clear.
Warning: This currently does not default to the
default Record, and so is currently a required parameter.
- FIELDS (optional)
- This specifies which fields within the record to clear. This parameter
is optional, and if not specified, all fields within
the record will be cleared.